Presentations and papers
A big "thank you" to the presenters who graciously sent us their presentations, papers and notes.
Listed in the order of appearance in the seminar programme:
- Terry Lamb: Keynote - Developing learner engagement in language learning
- Denis Cunningham: Back in the Classroom
- Cheryl Strike: The English House
- Marie Blomkvist: The Computer - Facilitator in Language Teaching. Abstract and PPT presentation are to be found on her website
- Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir: Teacher Learning and the European Portfolio
- Daniel Xerri: Literature as a resource in the Language Teaching Classroom. See Daniel Xerri's website:
- Þorbjörg Þorsteinsdóttir: Presentation of "Tungumálatorg" (The Online Meeting-point for Language Teachers in Iceland)
- Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir: Understanding a Continent: Latin America through Cinema. See also notes here.
- Anna Jeeves, Ásrún Jóhannsdóttir, Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir: English in Schools - Marrying Research and practice
- Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir: Toning the Emotional Muscle Through Literature. Interested individuals should direct their inquiries to [email protected]